A rare case of meningioma

  • Ms. Manorama Kashyap Godavari College of Nursing
  • Mr. Piyush Dadarao Wagh Godavari College of Nursing
Keywords: Headache, Meningioma, Vision problem


Introduction: A meningioma is a kind of brain tumour that develops in the meninges, a layer that protects the Brain and Spinal cord. It is included in this group even though it is not an actual brain tumour since it has the potential to pressurise the brain, nerves, and arteries around it. Glioma is the most common kind of brain tumour, followed by meningioma.

Clinical observation: Right eye cataract causes headaches and pain in the right eye and a fever (Temperature - 101 f).

Diagnostic evaluation: CT score 8/25 on HRCT Thorax, RDW - 18.2 percent, HCT - 20%, Diagnostic Evolution, 3200 WBC/cu mm total WBC count, 15.9% blood, 5.0 million total RBCs per cubic millimetre, RDW is 18.2%, HCT is 20%, and total WBC count is 3200/cubic millimetre, Monocytes account for 2%, Granulocytes for 20%, and Lymphocytes for 77%, on an MRI brain with contrast, AST (SGOT) is 112U/L. The lateral wall of the cavernous sinus is at the ocular apex, there is a meningioma nerve sheath tumour.

Therapeutic intervention: Some treatments employed include craniotomy, Tablet Dolo 650 mg Once in Day, Capsule Felicita Once in Day, and Tablet Azee 500 mg Once in Day.

Outcomes: The patient's condition improves after treatment. His fever and headache went away, and his vision improved following surgery.

Conclusion: With a headache, vision problems, and a fever, my patient was brought to the Neuro unit. His condition has improved upon obtaining adequate therapy.


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Author Biographies

Ms. Manorama Kashyap, Godavari College of Nursing

Associate Professor, Godavari College of Nursing.

Mr. Piyush Dadarao Wagh, Godavari College of Nursing

Assistant Professor, Godavari College of Nursing.

How to Cite
Kashyap, M. M., & Wagh, M. P. D. (2022). A rare case of meningioma. International Journal of Medical Studies, 7(4), 50-56. Retrieved from http://ijmsonline.in/index.php/ijms/article/view/223