Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is a fungal infections caused by aspergillus fumigates that transmitted through inhalation of air conidia in most cases.
Since these conidia will removed by phagocytes, they cause rarely any diseases in people who are not immunocompromised; therefore normal and also sufficient function of macrophages and neutrophils are necessary to prevent aspergillosis. On the other hand immunocompromised patients like CGD (Chronic Granulomatous Disease) can easily involved in such fungal infections through exposure to high amounts of these conidia.
In this article we will introduce a girl with interesting history of BCGitis, after awhile presented by hemoptysis discovered as a begin sign of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Finally out evaluations showed immune disorder in this neglected child.
Regarding high mortality of invasive aspergillosis as 30-50% ; effective management is achieved by on time suspicion to fungal infection associated by finding risky hosts and also early initiation of antifungals for reduction of invasive aspergillosis .